7 Common PPF Installation Mistakes to Avoid for Car Owners

Dealer Xpress Window Tinting Blogger • May 4, 2023

Installing paint protection film for your car properly requires knowing what not to do. Here are 7 common PPF installation mistakes to avoid for car owners.

PPF installation mistakes

The first modern car was invented in 1885. Cars have made leaps and bounds since then, and we have come up with many different ways to protect them. One of the most popular ways is to use a paint protection film (PPF).

A PPF is a great way to protect your car from scratches, water stains, mud, and so on. This film also makes your car look shinier and more stylish. But you have to watch out for PPF installation mistakes if you plan on getting this film.

A single mistake could ruin the whole film. But what are the most common mistakes you should avoid? Is a paint protection film in Seattle right for you? 

What about choosing paint protection film installers near me? Keep reading and learn more about PPFs and the mistakes you should avoid. 

1. Not Covering the Entire Car With PPF

Some people are tempted to put the PPF on certain parts of the car instead of all of it. But this is a mistake. Getting paint protection film near me and installing it is a delicate process.

You may figure that your whole car doesn't need the film. You may prefer to protect certain parts of it, such as the front or the areas around the tires. But doing this will ruin the portions of PPF that you install. 

This is because PPFs aren't designed to be partially installed. They need to stick to the entire surface of your car, or they won't stay put. They won't work as well as they're supposed to, either.

Hiring PPF installers near me will make this process much easier. The installers can do all the heavy lifting for you and make sure the film is installed properly. This will ensure that the clear bra in Seattle works well and makes your car look good. 

2. Not Preparing the Car’s Surface

Many people don't realize that you have to prepare a car's surface before beginning the PPF installation process. Your car should be spotless before you get started. If there is any speck of dirt or dust that you seal under the PPF, the PPF will be ruined. 

This is because you can see every speck through the PPF. This will make your car look permanently dirty. There won't be any way to clean those specks unless you remove the PPF and start from scratch. 

This is not something you want to do since installing a PPF can be very expensive. Hiring clear bra installers near me will ensure that the car is free of any particles before getting started. This will ensure that the car's clear bra paint protection is as efficient and sleek as possible. 

3. Choosing a Poor-Quality PPF

Many people choose the cheapest PPF option because they think it will save them money. But it will cost you more money in the long run. This is because the cheapest options are often the lowest-quality options.

A low-quality PPF won't last very long. It may start to bubble or fade in the sun. It may make your car look older than it is. 

It may start to flake off or sustain damage after a couple of years. You do not want to waste your money on this kind of PPF, even if it is the cheaper upfront option. It's better to choose a better option that is still within your PPF installation budget.

This will allow you to enjoy the benefits of PPF without having to deal with any low-quality downsides.

paint protection film installers near me

4. Not Being Patient During the Installation Process

Installing a PPF can take a while. It may take several hours. If your vehicle is very large, it may take more than a day. 

Many people make the mistake of not being patient when this film is being installed. They may be tempted to rush the process and get it over with. But this is a terrible idea. 

When you rush a PPF, you risk making a lot of mistakes. You may not seal the film securely against the vehicle's surface. You may trap dirt and debris against the surface without realizing it until it's too late. 

You may leave streaks or scratches on the car or the film. The PPF won't stay in good shape for very long, either. 

5. Not Aligning the PPF Correctly

The PPF needs to align perfectly with the car. If it doesn't, it might bubble or develop streaks. This will prevent the PPF from staying level with the car's surface. 

It will also shorten the PPF's lifespan. This is a common mistake that people make when installing their own PPFs because they don't do enough research beforehand. 

6. Trying to Do the PPF Yourself

It's always best to hire a professional to install a PPF. This is because they have more experience and the right tools. 

There is also a team of professionals that will tackle the project. This ensures the PPF looks good and the installation will be done quickly.

7. Not Paying Attention to Your Budget

Try not to go over your budget when buying a PPF. PPFs can sometimes cost thousands of dollars or more. Choose a film that fits your budget but is still high-quality. 

This ensures you won't have to spend an arm and a leg on the film, and you won't have to deal with a low-quality product either. 

All About PPF Installation Mistakes

The simplest PPF installation mistakes can ruin the film. You might be left with bubbles, chips, and other errors. If you want the job done right, hire a professional. 

To learn more about professional PPF installation, Reach out to Dealer Xpress Window Tinting and check out our services

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